The focus for my latest work is to create forms that are easily useful. Generally they are made on a pottery wheel, turned, bisque fired, glazed then fired in my bourry box kiln to 1300o for about 14 hours. Although not a conscious direction I notice that this work often visually reflects my surrounding environment.
Following are images of pieces that are usually in a firing.
If you would like more details or order something from the next firing please make contact.
Meal Bowls stacked
These are often made from my recycled clay with a interior celadon or shino glaze. The outside is unglazed however melted ash deposits add to this colour palette and this depends on the position in the kiln.
Meal bowl interior detail recycled clay and celadon glaze
They change subtly from making to making.
Generally hold about 300mls with a celadon interior glaze and exterior other glaze combinations.
Dimple beakers
These have been made with a fine white stoneware clay with a celadon glaze, The colour around the foot comes from the firing. They hold about 250 mls.
Cooking serving bowls
Usually made from recycled clay as I like to make them with soft clay. They are glazed inside with shino or celadon, the outside painted by fire. I make them in a variety of sizes.